Zen Mensch Accounting

The Shoebox Files
What Your Accountant Needs at Year End

Some years back I was sitting with a couple, routinely preparing their return when Charles matter of factly mentioned,  “Oh, we didn’t tell you we’re divorced?.” Okay, You do not have to tell us everything. But there are some things your tax preparer needs to know. Clients often forget to bring the following information: When
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Zen Mensch Accounting

Leverage Your Child!

Did you know that there are tax credits for Junior’s video immersion day camp and Hilda’s after-school Sanskrit lessons until  they turn 13 years young? The “Child and Dependent Care Credit” is available for those activities as well as for preschool and babysitting services. You can save up to $2,100  per year on $6,000 of
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Crowd Funding

The Price of Success:
Crowdfunding and Taxes

CROWDFUNDING IS ALL THE RAGE! Banks (still) aren’t lending, the government is broke (or broken) and venture capital is highly competitive. How then to start a business in 2013? Crowdfunding says “Ask my friends (and their friends).” It goes against everything we are taught to believe in a hyper capitalist society. We give only when
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Getting Hitched Without Strings
Health Insurance & Taxes for
Same Sex Couples

Post-DOMA Edition! Wow! I am still celebrating the demise of the federal “Defense of Marriage Act”. This wonderful news puts married same-sex couples on the same playing field as heterosexual couples when it comes to federal benefits, at least if you are ”in the right state”*. For most situations, this is great – you can
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