Zen Mensch Accounting

Alternative Financing for Your Business

You want to buy a building for your business but the banks want collateral first. Or they can dispense with collateral but you have to go through the arduous process of being rejected by a bank first. You only need $20,000 — chump change for the banks. Are there alternatives? YES,  more and more of
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Crowd Funding

The Price of Success:
Crowdfunding and Taxes

CROWDFUNDING IS ALL THE RAGE! Banks (still) aren’t lending, the government is broke (or broken) and venture capital is highly competitive. How then to start a business in 2013? Crowdfunding says “Ask my friends (and their friends).” It goes against everything we are taught to believe in a hyper capitalist society. We give only when
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Business With Friends

"I want to open a business
with my friends"

GREAT! And — How you structure it is of vital importance — both to the business and to your friendships. If you want both to prosper it’s critical to think forward— how could things go wrong even if they go right? A critical component of any partnership or LLC is an operating agreement. Forego this
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