Pre-Winter Mensch
Tax Organizing Edition
with Survey Says! Bonus

Zen Mensch Accounting

What Can I Do To Minimize Payment Pain?

As with anything, that which you avoid persists. Right? Get a handle, get a grip — will you owe for this year?

Get help if you need it — your accountant can project your liability if you provide her some basic information. Maybe you need to add more withholdings to your final paycheck. Or can benefit by a retirement plan contribution.

Or maybe, just maybe, you will be just fine and don’t know it.
Getting the facts is always a wise way to start.

What Can I Do To Minimize Preparation Pain?

Have a consistent system that works for you and for your tax preparer. Small businesses really ought to be using accounting software like Quickbooks. Freelancers and households can benefit from tools like

I helped a friend set up Mint — someone who is not particularly tech savvy or financially inclined — and he loves it. It’s good on the micro and macro level. I went home and set it up for my household and am also enthralled. Not only does it painlessly gather your financial information, it allows you to set and track budgets and goals.

If you are a client of my firm, you can use our handy-dandy checklist to help keep your tax preparer sane.

What About That Survey You Sent Out?
Did You Learn Anything, Rich Streitfeld?

Yes! I received many helpful answers and offers to contribute or post an article. More of you than I realized benefit from the divorce and personal financial postings, some of you read Dispatches depending on the topic and many, I am glad to hear, just enjoy reading it even if there is nothing that particularly speaks to your situation.

However, I am not sure I can fulfill the requests for content devoted to”obscure bird calls” or “ancient history.” More than one person asked for more content on “your personal life”! and another enjoys “a glimpse into your world, Richie.” The fictional interviews are popular, and people enjoy the humor.

And The Caption For:

Tips for the Enlightened Soccer Mom

  • Keep your eye on the ball
  • Keep your eye off the ball
  • From begging bowl to world cup
  • Damn kids
  • Soccer ball seeking Enlightenment
  • Be the Ball
  • Being the Ball
  • Tips for the Enlightened Soccer Mom
  • Eight fold path to Victory

Just A Sampling! Thanks…..

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